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Introducing SlickCampaign™, a complete E-mail Marketing Management Tool
SlickCampaign™ is a web-based solution for your company to create, manage, broadcast, and track e-mail communications with your current and potential customers. You can manage multiple campaigns and target specific audiences for your marketing needs. Each e-mail sent will be tracked and a full history of communications is easily accessible. You can choose to broadcast e-mails to the entire campaign or to a hand-picked list of clients. If you add links onto your e-mails, the click-throughs are tracked and recorded. Reports are available for a comprehensive assessment of campaign effectiveness.
SlickCampaign™ is great for communications to existing clients about new products and services of your company. It is also an ideal way to remind customers about your company with periodic updates sent to their inboxes. SlickCampaign™ can also be used to integrate with your website for newsletter features. Visitors may opt-in to your newsletter campaign and potential customers are at the reach of your finger tips. It is a great way of building brand loyalty and increase returning customers.
Stay tuned as we publish more information about our products.